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 Where my name comes from.....

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Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 34

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PostSubject: Where my name comes from.....   Where my name comes from..... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 01, 2010 3:15 pm

It's not street fighter darn it! >: |

It's breath of fire Very Happy. It's also what inspired my love for blue hair (which grew to blue in general). In all BoF's. Ryu has dragon abilities. The only BoF's I liked are 2, and 3. Which has the same concept, Ryu is the last surviving person of the Dragon Clan. He has the abilities to transform into a dragon and uses his powers to promote good.

Where my name comes from..... 387px-Bof2boxart
The 2nd one was about going around trying to help people until you get caught up in the revival of a demon lord. Which than you work to stop it. It encourages doing the right thing, but also the power of your friends.

Where my name comes from..... Groupbof3
Breath of fire 3 is my favorite one. It has a little more darkness to it.

Here's my favorite scene from Breath of Fire 3 Very Happy.

Thats during Ryu's childhood. Here is one when Ryu is an adult

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Age : 33
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PostSubject: Re: Where my name comes from.....   Where my name comes from..... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 01, 2010 4:23 pm

looks pretty neat. I didn't think ur name came from street fighter, i just assumed u really liked dragons ><;
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Location : The Windmills of your mind

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PostSubject: Re: Where my name comes from.....   Where my name comes from..... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 01, 2010 5:56 pm

lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! Before coming on the forum, i thought about making a name topic. You tell what inspired your IGN. Lets Turn this into that? Very Happy Ryu, i honestly though it was from street fighter. Just like Jurii
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PostSubject: Re: Where my name comes from.....   Where my name comes from..... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 01, 2010 6:00 pm

sounds good to me....tho i kinda made this name up off the top of my head....just wanted a feminine japanese name
(tho i do spend time coming up with names that usually mean something for pets and such)
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Location : The Windmills of your mind

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PostSubject: Re: Where my name comes from.....   Where my name comes from..... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 01, 2010 8:19 pm

Gonzor comes from the lord of the rings series, Gondor. I just added my own little dash of Z to it, since Dragon Ball Z is awesome.
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Age : 31
Location : Pinellas Park, Florida

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PostSubject: Re: Where my name comes from.....   Where my name comes from..... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 01, 2010 9:03 pm

My name came form the marvel hero Gambit.
dont know why i named my character after him
all he can do is thorw cards good lmao
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PostSubject: Re: Where my name comes from.....   Where my name comes from..... Icon_minitime

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