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 I would like to join-Sjalen13

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3 posters

Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-08-11

I would like to join-Sjalen13 Empty
PostSubject: I would like to join-Sjalen13   I would like to join-Sjalen13 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 10:19 pm

•Your real age(optional, but preferred):Dont wanna say.
•How long have you played?:A year and a half.
•How active you are in game?:I play everyday for at least 1 hour.
•Typical playing hours(please include time zone):Lol all day,and im in the central time zone.
•Transformation:Rank E Savage Beast.
•Total level:98
•Which of the main generation storylines have you completed?4,almost done wth 8 and 9.
•How did you hear about Epilogue?Minagi lol!
•List all previous guilds, please include why you left, and why you are currently seeking another guild:Pentagon-I was mad at the guild leader caring about some members more than others.Next and last is Dope.I left because it's olny focus was to look cool in Dunberton and I didn't get to meet anyone in that guild.
•Why join Epilogue?:I wish to join Epilogue because i've recently found out many of my friends are this awsome guild (hey if you guys are reading this then afro )Also I want to be a page in the book called Epilogue. Embarassed
•List all members you may know in game:Jeweldragona,Honeywhip,Whimsey,Minagi,lol and most likely Momi if that counts.
•How would you describe your character?I would have to say a very blue giant who needs a hair cut.
•What else should we know about you?:Anything you want lol.

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Posts : 274
Join date : 2010-07-13
Age : 54
Location : Chicago, IL, USA

I would like to join-Sjalen13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I would like to join-Sjalen13   I would like to join-Sjalen13 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 16, 2010 7:17 pm

A couple of quick questions I have are:

1) Which character do you plan on joining with and why? This is obviously your giant, whats your human up to? Do you plan on leaving your human in one guild, while joinging your giant in another?

2) Besides just your character, what do you think you bring to a guild as a member?

3) When you think of past people you have met, what do you think they think of you as? And how would you prefer them to think about you?
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Posts : 1210
Join date : 2010-07-09
Age : 33
Location : Seattle, WA

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PostSubject: Re: I would like to join-Sjalen13   I would like to join-Sjalen13 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 16, 2010 8:10 pm

I'd like to know
-other than your friends, what are u looking for by joining Epilogue?
-what do you hope to gain?
-and what possible goals do you have for yourself?
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Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-08-11

I would like to join-Sjalen13 Empty
PostSubject: Sorry bout the wait   I would like to join-Sjalen13 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 24, 2010 5:14 pm

Which character do you plan on joining with and why? This is obviously your giant, whats your human up to? Do you plan on leaving your human in one guild, while joinging your giant in another?:Iplan on joining with my giant,my human is up to ranking thunder and other bolts,and sjalen11 has left the old guild.

Besides just your character, what do you think you bring to a guild as a member?:I plan to bring my sense of humer Very Happy along with help anytime anyone needs it.

When you think of past people you have met, what do you think they think of you as? And how would you prefer them to think about you?
I think the past people i met really enjoyed me,i prefer that the people i meet remember me as the helpful guy.

other than your friends, what are u looking for by joining Epilogue?:lol im looking for a guild that gets things done and who actually cares aout its members.

what do you hope to gain?:lvls,friends,fun times,and a page in Epilogue's book.

and what possible goals do you have for yourself?:r1 WM,Smash,CM,Crit,Def,stomp.Become a royal alchemist to help you guys.And hmmmmm i guess to help as best as i can Razz

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PostSubject: Re: I would like to join-Sjalen13   I would like to join-Sjalen13 Icon_minitime

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