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 with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with

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with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with Empty
PostSubject: with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with   with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 8:11 am

ok now this about demi-god and what goddess u picked Minagi gave me the idea when she was talking about demi-god and it hit me there 2 diff power to the demi-god (i have not beat g12 so i did hit me till now) anyway me i have the goddess of light Neamhain's moves the spear of light and fury of lights (or as i call in dk the spear of darkness and the fury of darkness) and there Morrighan's moves the wing of rages and he Wings of Eclipse now then there big diff i see in them i start with the wing of Neamhain now i see her moves as pure power the fury of darkness is a attack where if u r mobed or taking out a powerful enemy out can get u out of a jam and the spear of darkness is power with the spear of the gods it is meant for power that take the most powerful enemy out like dragon or anything that hard and ignores Defense Protection and Passive Defenses but the lich and demi lich and any other boss in peaec dungeon now for Morrighan well i hate her well u know g3 but i still have to be nice and talk about her wings anyway now then i see her wing for a def the rage of rage i read that this move can hurt even the demi lich with i see as a plus side and i know it can go through mana shield i been hit with it a lot when in mana shield and can stun lock fomors so i see it being a good thing and hit muilt fomors at once the Wings of Eclipse i see as the best shield in the game since u r in heave stand and adv heavestand and cant be moved now then the only con i see with the shield is the exp u lose with it that u need to rank it high now then i see this as this Neamhain as the power house and Morrighan as the unitmate def now then i never try this but i like to see the unitmate power vs the untimate def now then i like Neamhain power i am a power house and will always be a power house plus like i said before i hate morrighan and now i said what i like and now it your turn all
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with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with Empty
PostSubject: Re: with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with   with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 11:02 am


also, Neamhain is the ONLY way to go. anybody with a WORKING brionac knows why.
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Age : 33
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with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with Empty
PostSubject: Re: with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with   with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 12:08 pm

rika, stop tl;dring....if you're not gonna read, dont post >:/
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with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with Empty
PostSubject: Re: with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with   with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with Icon_minitime

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with demi-god mode do u like and what goddess do u side with
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