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 My application

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4 posters

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-04-24

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PostSubject: My application   My application Icon_minitimeSun Apr 24, 2011 1:05 pm


•Your real age(optional, but preferred):

•How long have you played?

•How active you are in game?

•Typical playing hours(please include time zone):


•Total level:234

•Which of the main generation storylines have you completed?
I'm working on g 2 and g 13
•How did you hear about Epilogue?My frends silentwings, sakura1617 ,and Honeywhip

•List all previous guilds, please include why you left, and why you are currently seeking another guild:1-Kima i left because i was just helping my friend start the guild, 2-Pentagon i left this one because i got caught chasing a bot on accident, 3-Ygdrasil i left because it got really lonely, 4-Frazzled- i left here because i wasn't feeling like this was a guild i like i just got a aplication in my face , 5-Celticforce- it just got real lonely nobody was ever on.

•Why join Epilogue? because most of the people i know are in the guild like sakura1617, silentwings, honeywhip, gabet, jeweldragona,roja, peachx

•List all members you may know in game: sakura1617, silentwings, honeywhip, gabet, jeweldragona,roja, peachx

•How would you describe your character? adventureous,cool ,fashionable, easy to get a long with, a good friend

•What else should we know about you? i still am needing help on g2 and once i'm done with that and i get paliden i will finish g13 final

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Posts : 1210
Join date : 2010-07-09
Age : 33
Location : Seattle, WA

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PostSubject: Re: My application   My application Icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2011 6:58 pm

Long time no see. It looks like you missed the 1st 1/2 of the application though. A few questions

1) what do you feel makes a good guild? The application process is vital for many to be able to get to know and understand their applicants...to be turned off of a guild for getting an app is worrying.

2)knowing a person doesn't guarantee acceptance. Apart from your "friends" and old guild mates, why are you interested in Epilogue in particular?

3)I'm not sure who you're referring to when you say roja.....is that a nickname for one of the existing members, or are you mistaking this person for someone else?

4) what makes you unique, and different from the typical player? almost every applicant I've seen gives the "want to help, and get help in return" response thinking that "wanting to help" will guarantee getting into our good graces. If your answer for being unique really is "wanting to help" how is it you can help that will benefit the guild as a whole? what about you is there that can "help" in a way different than every other applicant who also wants to "help"?
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Posts : 1036
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 31
Location : Overland Park, Kansas

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PostSubject: Re: My application   My application Icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2011 7:06 pm

OH OH OH is it my turn to play interviewer? Ok!

Well, you didn't fill out the first half of the report, I can't really tell what your area of expertise is, as for the second half... I noticed what I can only assume is Roia's name on the list of "members". Sorry, but we don't have a Roia in this guild. Oh and as for the part with Pent, I can't really say "we", because I'm in the armsmaster camp, but I think all the *competent* (for lack of better words) members who wanted out of pent in the first place came here.
Anyway, I'm the patron troll of the guild, Rikari. Pleasure to meet you.
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Posts : 274
Join date : 2010-07-13
Age : 54
Location : Chicago, IL, USA

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PostSubject: Re: My application   My application Icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2011 3:49 pm

Application denied.

I talked to Lightning and they have decided to withdraw their application at this time.
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PostSubject: Re: My application   My application Icon_minitime

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