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4 posters

Posts : 25
Join date : 2011-06-01

Application/Apology Empty
PostSubject: Application/Apology   Application/Apology Icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2011 9:35 pm

I am sorry. I did step over the line (pardon the pun). If I could be humblist to ask for a second chance. I would get down on my knees and beg for another chance. I promise if I am given a second chance I will not screw up. I thank you for your time.
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Posts : 210
Join date : 2011-02-09
Age : 35
Location : playing megaman Zero and having fun with Fairy Leviathan wink-wink

Application/Apology Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application/Apology   Application/Apology Icon_minitimeMon Jun 13, 2011 6:38 am

Sukeisu wrote:
I am sorry. I did step over the line (pardon the pun). If I could be humblist to ask for a second chance. I would get down on my knees and beg for another chance. I promise if I am given a second chance I will not screw up. I thank you for your time.

look after the way you acted and the way you acted before and the chats i saw i be hard press to ok i have nothing against you but when u try to make drama and hurt some one in my family well u think about it would you give your self a second chance after the way you acted around us would you
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Join date : 2010-07-09
Age : 33
Location : Seattle, WA

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PostSubject: Re: Application/Apology   Application/Apology Icon_minitimeMon Jun 13, 2011 12:46 pm

Quote :

  • Listing false information on your application will not be taken lightly.

  • Having a member on your friends list does not guarantee membership into Epilogue.

  • Looting, leeching, mooching, and begging are simply unaceptable and will not be tolerated.

  • This is Mabinogi and a game, not "Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen". Please keep your drama out of Epilogue.

  • Respect each and every member. No one is better then anyone else. Consider Epilogue a round table with everyone as important as the next.

  • Goofing off, cracking jokes, and having fun is good, crossing the line at someone else's expense is wrong.

  • Remember to be patient, no spamming, don't be greedy, and no demanding. We can be very helpful over all, but we are not here to let you suck from our teat 24/7. Other members have their own goals to fulfill as well, not just to take care of you.

  • If you ever decide to leave Epilogue, please give appropriate notice. Inform those as necessary and state your reasoning at the time as well. If you may ever want to try to re-apply after quitting, how you left will reflect upon yourself.

  • Failure to comply with Epilogue's rules/guidelines will determine your ability to join or remain with the guild.

The things bolded in violet are all things you've failed to do. This is the basics, and is highly watched out for when judging whether an applicant should or should not be accepted. There is no excuse for such behaviour, and begging once more for a second chance is unacceptable. Giving you a second chance so you can "behave" does not change the fact that your initial reaction at the time, and in future times is not something we want in our guild.

To say you hate a member you don't even know, just b/c they're a "troll" is already unacceptable. Insulting members friends, jumping to conclusions, and throwing out murder AND suicide threats is also completely unacceptable. Everyone has their flaws, and we all have our own personal issues. Epilogue does not need someone who is going to wallow in them, and tell everyone about anything that might be wrong in their lives.

We have people here who are deaf, and therefore cant mic with us. We have people with mental disorders, who are awkward in conversation, or cant think completely straight. These "disabilities" so to speak do not change who these people are, and they're all amazing people. To suddenly tell us all straight up about your problem, and then to accuse us of judging any time something isn't going your way is rude and uncalled for. We do NOT judge, criticize, or joke, nor do we take such things into account when deciding whether or not we like the person at hand. We DONT care what a persons disability is, because the disability does NOT make a person.

There is a minimum 30 day cool down in between applications, so do not make another thread before that time. If you continue such behaviour, we will completely ban your ability to apply/post within our guild.
There are plenty of other guilds in the game, so if acceptance is what you want, I suggest going somewhere else.
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Posts : 41
Join date : 2010-12-05
Age : 29
Location : Ontario, Canada

Application/Apology Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application/Apology   Application/Apology Icon_minitimeTue Jun 14, 2011 6:17 pm

I thoroughly agree with Mina. There are rules, and failure to follow such has it's own conciquences. They aren't simply there for fun, everyone must follow them. If it's truly that important for you to join this guild then I suggest you show people you have changed. You do not have to be in a guild to be friends with people, making friends then joining their guild may even be more beneficial. If this guild means that much then re-apply after your 30 days, however you will most likely be re-denied if you do not change your actions. I would suggest deletion/closure of this thread to avoid further of the same/spam, but that's just my opinion.
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PostSubject: Re: Application/Apology   Application/Apology Icon_minitime

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