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 Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.

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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 10:51 pm

•IGN: Rikarikun (Fubari (Elf), Rekari (Giant), Rinnosukekun (Human), Daiyoussei (Human).)

•Your real age(optional, but preferred): 17

•How long have you played? end of g3/start of the iria expansion

•How active you are in game? As of late? not much. but when I feel like it I can be active almost every day.

•Typical playing hours(please include time zone): it really depends. it can range from less than an hour a day to almost all day.
(I play between 3:00PM midwest time when I actually feel like it on school days. weekends I can play all day if I feel like it)

•Transformation: Paladin. (Currently White Knight r9-ish)
(Falcon is my only other trans.)

•Total level: 300+ (I think it's around 320+ but I'm too lazy to check at the moment. and I have a few other things keeping me from doing so.)

•Which of the main generation storylines have you completed?
I skipped G1 when I first started. I have G2, G3, G9, and G10 complete.

•How did you hear about Epilogue?
From Kyoneshi after hearing about the merge. o3o

•List all previous guilds, please include why you left, and why you are currently seeking another guild:
Armsmaster. Merge. Self explainatory/

•I'm joining due to the merge between Armsmaster and this guild.

•List all members you may know in game:
Anybody from armsmaster. and anyone on my friends list that I forgot to mention.

•How would you describe your character?
IRL or ingame?

IRL... well that's kinda hard.
Ingame I can either be a troll, a nice guy, an indiffrent guy, or that nice guy down the street that's not afraid to help out occasionally.

•What else should we know about you?
well, I tend to give out gifts if I feel like it.
(ie: if someone needs something I have, and doesn't have anything I want, and it's of no particular value to me, they can usually get it for either free, or very reduced price.)
I'm also a bard. Fighting is not my strong point. As evidenced by my BAWING over G11's cooking dungeon. (FASD. it really sucks.)
yeah. if you want anything else just ask me ingame, as I am VERY hard to offend now days.
I do requests on song scores if I can find the song.
I run on premium service. my barding takes up the whole extra bag. ;~;
did I mention I have like, r6 playing, r7 MK and r7 Comp?
so yeah. Please don't make me fight in a dungeon solo. EVER. Q.Q
Also I am THE camwhore/cameraman ingame. no questions. ask Ryu how protective of that position I was in Armsmaster. Very Happy
Touhou rocks.
I have a youtube. (Rikarikun)
I like my pokemon.
I like my Kingdom Hearts.
I play a certian Children's Card Game.
What else have I not covered yet.... I forget.

Last edited by Rikarikun on Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:57 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : I took a look at Kaiby's submission. o3o)
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:06 pm

lol, we started about the same time XD
and as a healer i can deffinitely relate to the uh...lack...of combat skills ><;

Diversity is a good thing, and I'm glad to see chara's of different professions and personalities. Trolling however....I'd like to ask now that it be kept to a minimum....while it IS entertaining to get reactions out of people, we try to keep drama and complications OUT of the guild as much as possible Smile
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:09 pm

I guess I forgot to mention that you can tell if I don't like a person when I start trolling them. and that I am slightly Autistic. (Asbergers. that's all I need to say.)
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:14 pm

lol, well im sure there wont be any need for that, we all get along pretty well (i hope x.x)
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:26 pm

You can be my camera man, Rika....
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:30 pm

Ah Kaiby, I almost missed your perverted side during my sabbatical. Very Happy
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 10:12 am

Awesome fellow bards are always handy to have around. Certainly helps out the hanging around time go by quicker when one has something to listen too that someone spent time on putting together. Do you prefer to make the songs yourself? I actually have sone a lot with the music, and use the 3mle editor myself. Once I get the midi files together, some time spent once can make just about anything that way. Be interesting to hear from you on how you make your songs, xD.
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 2:13 pm

I usually just take them from the japanese MML site because my skills at using 3ML are fail. QQ
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 2:21 pm

Rikarikun wrote:
I play a certian Children's Card Game.

Pokemon cards?
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 2:23 pm

Nothing is a children's game if your forever young at heart!
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 3:50 pm

Ryu wrote:
Rikarikun wrote:
I play a certian Children's Card Game.

Pokemon cards?
none of you have seen yugioh abridged. Very Happy
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 4:04 pm

Rikarikun wrote:
Ryu wrote:
Rikarikun wrote:
I play a certian Children's Card Game.

Pokemon cards?
none of you have seen yugioh abridged. Very Happy

i have : x
(had to edit, idk why : x made an angry face =.=)

Last edited by Minagi on Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 4:05 pm

Lol, I've never seen it, and I know what you meant. Mainly because I use the term on a regular basis...
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 4:23 pm

With enough cards, one can build a house.

With enough houses, one can become a slum lord. lol!

or in the case of Mabinogi, a castle owner! cheers
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 4:32 pm

Jeweldragona wrote:
With enough cards, one can build a house.

With enough houses, one can become a slum lord. lol!

or in the case of Mabinogi, a castle owner! cheers
please tell me that we're gonna end up with a castle at some point o3o
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 4:40 pm

lol, we may eventually..atm we DO have a guild hall tho, which is pretty sweet
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 4:46 pm

Minagi wrote:
lol, we may eventually..atm we DO have a guild hall tho, which is pretty sweet
also: I look foreward to getting on ventrillo and doing the whole dracula speech at the start of SotN/ end of Rondo of Blood.
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 4:48 pm

lolol, i cant wait to hear it. we DO have vent, so feel free to log any time
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 4:52 pm

Minagi wrote:
lolol, i cant wait to hear it. we DO have vent, so feel free to log any time
just as soon as I get the info that the topic says I can have if I ask.
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 7:36 pm


not a whole lot to add, but again ...good application , glad to know a lil more about ppl beyond their character, oh BTW i love playing different versions of solitare. im pretty good at it, i also like chess (not so good) and OMG old fashioned BOARD GAMES. although its more n more difficult to find ppl to play with these days. i like puzzle games and escape games pretty generic, no particular brand or style as long as they make me think ...if i dont get furiously frustrated at it, then it sux. not really a point there, just wanted to share , tks again

Whimsey aka Whimsguy
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 8:14 pm

Whimsey wrote:

not a whole lot to add, but again ...good application , glad to know a lil more about ppl beyond their character, oh BTW i love playing different versions of solitare. im pretty good at it, i also like chess (not so good) and OMG old fashioned BOARD GAMES. although its more n more difficult to find ppl to play with these days. i like puzzle games and escape games pretty generic, no particular brand or style as long as they make me think ...if i dont get furiously frustrated at it, then it sux. not really a point there, just wanted to share , tks again

Whimsey aka Whimsguy

lol I can't figure out if I like you more or if I hate your guts more. ^^;
no offense of course.
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 8:38 pm

Thats interesting,
people usually love me or hate me...the undicided is new... either way no matter to me, because honestly your a stranger on a game and your personal opinion of who i am dose not pay my bills

essentially what im trying to say is no offence taken : )
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 8:52 pm

Whimsey wrote:
Thats interesting,
people usually love me or hate me...the undicided is new... either way no matter to me, because honestly your a stranger on a game and your personal opinion of who i am dose not pay my bills

essentially what im trying to say is no offence taken : )
I guess that means we'll get along great. ^^
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 8:58 pm

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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 12:44 am

whimsey, you should try playing taboo - it is THE BEST

and just curious rikari - why did you decide to be a bard?
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Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in.   Rikarikun the bard. Reporting in. Icon_minitime

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