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 Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)

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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:08 pm

okay, so I did this for Ryu's ingame wife Ealinda.

Okay, I'm gonna try and make this as good as possible.

Anyone that TL;DRs this is as good as dead. I worked a good amount on this. Not to mention I had to re-write the STB and MoF parts due to internet fail at the time I tried to edit them in. ;~;

Touhou 1 - Highly Responsive to Prayers (HRtP)

Reimu is pissed off cause some youkai came and ransacked her place, so she goes off to rage at some of them.
you can take 2 routes in this game, Jingoku or Makkai.
Neither path really matters, but Mima shows up on the Jingoku route.

-Reimu is the ONLY character that is playable
-Mima appears in this game
-it is an arachnoid clone never play it.

Touhou 2 - Story of Eastern Wonderland (SoEW)

Reimu comes back from a training session one day to find a rather large amount of ghosts and youkai in the proximity of her shrine, so she sets out to go get rid of the source of said invasion.

-First actual touhou game in terms of being a bullet hell. never play it because the hitbox sucks and there is no focus fire
-Marisa's first appearance
-Mima is the final boss
-Genji. Flying turtle-youkai-familiar. Reimu uses him to fly till after touhou 5.

Touhou 3 - Phantasmagoria of Dim.(mensional) Dream (PoDD)

some "Ruins" (read: Interdimensional ship) appeared outside of the hakurei shrine. the reaction? BATTLE ROYALE TO DECIDE WHO GETS TO GO IN!

-not a true bullet hell in the sense that you don't die in one hit. also a VS. game of sorts. I'll cover this later under PoFV.
-Um, I really don't have much to say other than this game is best known for Mima's theme, Reincarnation.
-I'll cover this system again under PoFV

Touhou 4 - Lotus Land Story (LLS)

Reality is being all screwy and the boundary of dreams is becoming EXTREMELY porous. Reimu AND Marisa set out to find out the source of the issue. They both travel to a place called Mugenkan (or something like that, I might not have spelled it right), and then along comes the gatekeeper, Elly. if you know anything about LLS, it's her stage theme. 3 guesses what it is, seeing as you should have heard it. (HINT: CNN did a botched report on it). Next, if you are playing as Reimu, you fight Marisa, the inverse is true for Marisa with Reimu, only Reimu's theme is soooo much more badass. After beating the other PC to a pulp, you move on to a trippy area of Mugenkan. I'm not exactly sure what to call it, cause it isn't exactly a bedroom. Anyway, you fight a somewhat-asleep Yuuka. AND IF YOU MANAGE TO KEEP AT LEAST 1 LIFE THROUGH THE WHOLE GAME PAST THIS POINT, you get to fight Yuuka again. Good luck dealing with double spark. AND IF YOU SOMEHOW MANAGE TO SURVIVE IT ALL ON A 1CC RUN, then you un-lock the EX stage. I'm not even going to bother mentioning it, as it has no relevance to the rest of this.

-Return of the bullet hell.
-Hit box size is small this time.
-2 PCs this time. Reimu and Marisa
-Mima doesn't show up. ;~;
-Yuuka. More on her under PoFV

Touhou 5 - Mystic Square (MS)

Demons are invading Gensokyo! Reimu is pissed, so she sets off to Makkai to fix the problem. Marisa, Yuuka, and Mima also have other goals, so they also go. You fight Alice in the 3rd stage, if memory serves. Then in the 6th stage, you fight Shinki, the creator of Makkai. She's a royal badass. Now go read the Doujin "Grimmore of Alice". Moving on... In the EX stage, you fight Alice again, but something's diffrent this time... WAIT SHE HAS A BOOK. (AND SHE'S NOW A YOUKAI!)

-Last PC-98 Touhou game.
-Alice shows up
-4 PCs. Reimu, Mima, Marisa, and Yuuka.
-Makkai. I'll bring this up under UFO too.
-Hakurei Boarder. I'll bring this up at the end.

Touhou 6 - Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil (EoSD)

A scarlet mist is covering Gensokyo! Girls set out to solve the incident.
LOL quote from the loading screen.
Anyway, Reimu just invented the Spell Card System. Already, an incident has been caused. First boss is Rumia. Not much to say there. Second boss, CIRNOOOOOOOOOO. She has a lot of fans now cause she's the (Circle-9). More on her later under GFW. Third boss: Hong Meiling (China). JAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOO! Okay, not much to say other than she's awesome. Fourth boss is Patchouli Knowledge. Bookworm, also the EX miniboss later. Marisa likes stealing her books. Fifth boss is Sakuya Izayoi. She has power over time and knife proficiency. Did I mention she's a the head maid? moving on... The final boss is Remilia Scarlet. Her theme is Septette for the Dead Princess. GO LISTEN TO IT NOW. Anyway, she can turn into bats and she's a vampire. Did I mention she made the scarlet mist so she could go outside during the day without getting a sunburn/being a little more defenseless than she would be at night? Reimu beats her up and thus the game comes to a close. OR DOES IT. Enter the EX stage!
Marisa came to the SDM to steal some books from Patchy's library, and ran into Patchy. Patchy wasn't feeling asthmatic that day, so she went all out, but Marisa pwned her anyway. Then along came Flandre. Marisa and her fought, Marisa won. U.N.Owen was Her? is Flandre's theme. YOU HAVE HEARD THIS TOO. I KNOW IT. (In homage to the book where U.N.Owen is used, Flan's next to last card is fittingly called "And then there were none?"

-Reimu and Marisa are the only PCs.
-PC-98 Gensokyo is all but missing for the most part. ;~;
-First Touhou for the Windows PC OS.
-(circle-9)! (Read 9-ball)
-China. A nickname for Hong Meiling that came from either 2-chan or 4-chan. I'm too lazy to check.
-Patchy: a nickname for Patchouli
-ZA WARULDO! (if you don't get this, you'll figure it out eventually)
-SDM: Short for Scarlet Devil Mansion

Touhou 7 - Perfect Cherry Blossom (PCB)

Spring has gone missing from Gensokyo!
Seeing all this snow makes you wonder where the spring has gone...

It's the middle of June and it's still snowing like it's winter. Reimu is cold and pissed. Marisa is doing it because she found a cherry petal and wants to know if spring is happening elsewhere. Sakuya is worried that the SDM might run outta food. First stage: You run in to Cirno as a miniboss. Nothing happens there really. First boss is Letty Whiterock. Again, not much to say. Second boss is Chen. This will be important later. Again, not much to say other than CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!. Third Stage: Forest of Magic. Third boss is Alice Margatroid. Yes, THAT ALICE. Did I mention she uses dolls now? And that she's stalking Marisa and that Reimu doesn't seem to recognize her? Moving on to stage 4... Miniboss is Lily White. This will be mentioned later under GFW. Stage 4 boss is the Prismriver Sisters. God, I love their theme. Stage 5 boss is Youmu Konpaku. Half Crazy swordswoman, half ghost. All awesome. Nothing to say for THIS fight. Stage 6: You fight Youmu again, then she warns/tells you about her master, Yuyuko Saigyouji. You then proceed to pwn Youmu and proceed to Yu-WAIT WHAT THE HELL IS THAT A TREE? Anyway, you proceed to fight Yuyuko, after a small chat. After PWNing her, she uses her last spell, Reincarnation Butterfly, and you should be able to evade till it times out... THUS SPRING IS RETURNED TO GENSOKYO AND WE ALL GO HOME HAPPY.

On to the EX!
"Cherry Tree was already in bloom fully. However, the Japanese heart is not satisfied yet."
The miniboss is Chen. I told you that she was important earlier! The boss is Ran Yakumo. Did I mention Ran is not easy to beat? And that Chen is Ran's Shikigami? Anyway, after you PWN Ran, she tells you to come back later.

Onto the Phantasm!
"Phantasmagoria. She was also living on the border of Gensokyo."
The Miniboss is Ran. The boss is Yukari Yakumo. She has the ability to manipulate "Gaps". I'll cover this in the notes. Did I mention she is badass?

-Stage 2 theme - Fantastic Legend of Touno.
-CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!! - Spawned from a comedy fan DVD.
-Super Tenko Power - I have no clue where this spawned, but it envolves Ran running around stark naked.
-Ran and nosebleeds - Chen is a loli/neko. Ran appearantly likes both. At least in fandom.
-Necrofantasia - Yukari's boss theme as well as a badass remix of Necro Fantasy, which is Ran's theme.
-Gap Hax - My term for Yukari's power, which is power over "Boundaries". Best explained by saying she can manipulate the boundary of Day and Night. (See IN for more on that.) Another good example is that she (Possibly) helped make the Hakurei Border.
-Yuyuko - I'll cover something else on her under IN.
-Marisa Stole the Precious Thing - Remix of Alice's boss theme.

Touhou 7.5 - Immaterial and Missing Power (IaMP)

"This is a fantastic fighting game. Girls do their best and are preparing. Please watch warmly. Greatest mesmeric mist of all time. This magic mist is missing power!"

There's a feast planned at the Hakurei Shrine in 3 days. Reimu and pretty much everyone else has noticed a strange powerful mist floating about. So they go out to investigate. Turns out Suika Ibuki, the only Oni on the surface, wants to get the other Oni out from underground VIA using parties to draw them out. Obviously, Reimu goes DENIED, and pwns her. Suika then takes up residence at the Hakurei Shrine. On a side note, Yukari went around stealing all the booze and singing, supposedly this was part of her plan.

-First touhou fighting game.

Touhou 8 - Imperishable Night (IN)

Paradise moon was lost! Girls go out to investigate.

For all purposes, I'll just describe Reimu and Marisa in their respective scinarios.
The moon is corrupted, so a duo of a human and a youkai have set out to fix it.

Your choices this time around are:
Boundary Team - Reimu and Yukari
Magic Team - Marisa and Alice
Netherworld Dwellers Team - Youmu and Yuyuko
Scarlet Team - Sakuya and Remilia

First boss is Wriggle Nightbug. No comment. Second boss is Mystia Loreli. More on her under PoFV. Third boss is Keine. Remember this for later. Now, assuming you chose Reimu or Sakuya, at stage 4, you will fight Marisa. If you chose Marisa or Youmu, then you fight Reimu. At stage 5, you reach the Eintei, and fight Tewi as the miniboss, and Reisen U. Inaba as the boss (more on both under PoFV). Eirin Yagakoro also shows up, but you don't get to fight her yet. That's the next stage, if you chose route A. if you chose Route B, then you get to fight Kaguya Houraisan, with Eirin as the miniboss. After you pwn them both on stage B, the incident is resolved!

Onto the EX!
"Under the full moon, even the trees and grass are asleep in the dead of the night. In the Human and Youkai's 'Gut-Trial', what will scare them? The victim of the biggest sin, where is it?"
The miniboss here is Keine, but wait, something's diffrent! She has horns! Anyways, after getting caved (or not, if you can actually dodge that spellcard), you move on. A little while later, you run into Fujiwara no Mokou. After a small chat, you battle her. And hopefully win.

-Wriggle Kick - When Wriggle first shows up as the first stage miniboss, she has a thing where she'll kill you if you don't know she's gonna come in there. Also known for killing noobs.
-KFM - Kentucky Fried Mystia. In the Netherworld Dweller's scenario, Yuyuko "eats" Mystia.
-CAVED! - Dunno how this spawned, but getting caved means you failed Keine's second EX Spell Card
-Tasukete Eirin! - The Cool&Create remix of Lunatic Princess.
-OVERDRIVE - Iosys Remix of Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon.
-Neko Miko Reimu - Iosys remix of Reimu's theme "Maidens's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle".
-I really hope I didn't miss anything, cause this is the game in the series that get's the MOST attention.
-ZUN was drunk when he made this one.

Touhou 9 - Phantasmagoria of Flower View (PoFV)

Phantasmagoria of Flower View is considered to be a competitive vertical danmaku shooting game, in which two characters engage in moderate-to-heavy danmaku gameplay within individual and separate play areas (aka. split-screen). Upon meeting certain conditions, players are able to unleash a variety of character-specific Spell Attacks upon their opponents in an attempt to whittle down their remaining health points, in a manner not unlike a VS. puzzle game such as Puyo Puyo.

now that that's outta the way...

There are flowers everywhere. EVEN OUT OF SEASON ONES. Everyone is going around with a WTF attitude. Save for Lyrica Prisimriver. But she only wants to find a quiet place to practice. Anyway, it's a series of 9 battles, and describing all 16 stories would take too long. In short, you fight 7 battles, then you get to Komachi. She's a Ferry(wo)man. She's also been neglecting her job, which is to ferry spirits over the Higan River to Muendzuka, but she's lazy. Thus is the reason why there are so many flowers. AND NOT TO MENTION A LOT OF THEM ARE SPIDER LILLIES. So after you pwn Komachi, her boss, Shiki Eki Yamaxandu, shows up. Now, there isn't a real reason why you fight her, but I guess it's cause she makes the PC you're using mad by lecturing them about their faults/sins.
There really isn't an EX stage... If you don't count playing as Komachi/Shiki.

-Mystia - A nightsparrow who can make you night-blind by singing.
-Lyrica - The Prisimriver that plays the Keyboard.
-Tewi - Rabbit youkai that has the power of good luck. Likes to play tricks.
-Reisen - Bunny-Girl from the MOON. Has the power to make you go insane if you look at her and she's using her eyes to do so. Can also adjust wavelengths (of sound, I'm guessing). I've been corrected, it's also light.
-Komachi - Lazy ferryman of the dead. Should do her job more often.
-Cirno - ⑨. This is where it started.

Touhou 9.5 - Shoot the Bullet (StB)

Book version of the first Touhou fact book that ZUN did.

-You don't use danmaku in this one.
-Aya Shameimaru is the PC.
-Don't play it unless you have patience.

Touhou 10 - Mountian of Faith (MoF)

A shrine has appeared on Youkai Mountian! Girls are going to investigate.

Yet again, Reimu and Marisa are the only PCs. This is only made worse by the fact that ZUN also made the bomb system in this game suck. (HINT: He removed player character unique bombs) Anyway... The first bosses are the Aki sisters. (but one of the two is the miniboss...) The second boss is Hina Kagamiya. She likes to SPIN. Third boss is Nitori Kawashiro. I'll comment in the notes. The fourth stage is know for it's BS-hard difficulty on ANY stage. Miniboss is a Wolf Tengu named Momiji Inubashiri. But she bears no relevance. ;~; The stage four boss is Aya. YES, THAT AYA. THE ONE THAT'S BEEN IN 3 GAMES IN A ROW AS OF THIS ONE. DID I MENTION SHE HAS A SURVIVAL SPELL THAT DOES IMPOSSIBLE THINGS? Oh, and if you manage to get past stage 4, there's stage five. The boss of which is Sanae Kochiya. I'll comment more in the notes. Stage 6 boss is Kanako Yasaka. Again, commenting in the notes.

Onto the EX!

One day, Marisa was looking for chestnuts in the area around the Moriya shrine, when she overheard Kanako saying something about the true god of the shrine. What could that possibly mean? Anyway, she went back to the hakurei shrine to get reimu so they could go find out.
When they go there, they met with a "THOU SHALT NOT PASS" from Kanako. (The close-to-exact words were "I can't let you go any further... There rests my ever-sleeping friend".) After PWNing kanako, they wander for a bit till this "true god" shows up. Turns out the true god of the shrine is a flat-chested lolicon that wears a frog hat. Her name is Suwako Moriya. Did I mention she's a badass? Anyway, they pwn her and thus the game is done.

-Hina on spinning - Practically a meme now. ._.
-Nitori - as with all Kappa, she likes her cucumbers.
-Aya - Her stage is BS hard. ;~;
-Sanae - Practically a goddess. Has the power to make miracles occur.
-Kanako - She's the "owner" of the Moriya shrine. She won it from Suwako via conquering it "way back when".
-Suwako - Awesome Hat-wearing-lolicon-frog-goddess. Kero Kero~
-Too many memes to list here go look up touhou on tv troupes or something.
-Bomb system - In MoF and SA, the bomb system is a bit diffrent. It's fueled by your power level. Meaning it's really annoying in the sense that you have to sacrifice the ability to do more damage to bomb. More on this in the SA notes.

Touhou 10.5 - Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (SWR)

Okay, so there's this earthquake. And it happens to wreck the Hakurei shrine. Reimu is in more than a little emotional distress for the remainder of this game.
Now, like IaMP and PoFV, there are too many scenarios for me to list without spending a lot of time on it... So, to make it short, you fight a few battles, and then run in to Miss Iku Nagae. More on her in the Notes. And after Iku, you run in to Tenshi Hinanai. More on her in the Notes too.

Again, no EX stage.

-This is another fighting game, but it uses a diffrent system from IaMP. It uses Spell Cards for specials.
-Iku - Oarfish youkai. Poses like John Travolta in a dance pose occasionally.
-Tenshi - Masochist Celestial. Hijacked a Magical sword and made a huge earthquake.
-This game is the base for UNL. More on that later.

Touhou 11 - Subterranean Animism (SA)

Spirits are comming up from underground! Girls must confront this issue.

So there's an unusually high amount of ghosts. From underground. Reimu and Marisa set out to find out why. Depending on who you select, you get to choose from one of 3 options. Meaning 6 diffrent shot types. Did I mention that bombs are somewhat back? Anyway, first stage miniboss, Kisume. Bucket loli. Not much else to say. First stage boss is Yamame Kurodani. Spider youkai, and that's all I have to say. Second stage boss is Parsee Mizuhashi. HUUUUUUUGE Green-eye-monster complex. ;~;... Moving on to stage 3, you meet another Oni by the name of Yuugi Hoshiguma. She wants to take you home with her. PWN her anyway. Stage 4. Orin shows up as the miniboss. The boss is Satori Komeiji, and boy she is a tough one, and I love her theme. DID I MENTION SHE CAN READ YOUR MIND? Moving on to stage 5, you fight Orin as the boss. I really don't have anything to say... Stage 6. Orin fight immidiately. Then a small bit of fairy massacuring later... OKUU! Go beat up the (6). She deserves it for being stupid.


Oh, hey, Sanae has lost her sanity. "One cannot have common sense in Gensokyo!" .A. Beat some reasoning back into that girl. A short time later... OMGWHAT. IS THAT SA-Wait, she doesn't have the exact same look. It's Satori's twin sister Koishi Komeiji! She has the power to really mess you up on a subconcious level. .A. Good luck.

-Bomb System - In this one, bombs work the same way as the last game, but now the unique bombs are back, save for the fact that none of them are the ones that the Miko or the Witch use. ;~; I WANT MASTER SPARK.
- Orin - Nickname for Rin Kaenbyou.
- Okuu - Nickname of Utsuho Reiuji
- (6) - Worse than the (9).
- Kanako inadvertantly caused this whole thing...

Touhou 12 - Undefined Fantastic Object - (UFO)

A floating ship has apppeared above Gensokyo! UFOs are everywhere. It's a treasure hunt between the Miko, the Witch, and the other Miko!

So yeah... Reimu is broke and needs cash, Marisa wants to get rich, and Sanae is supposed to be training in the art of hunting youkai. .A.
Stage 1 boss is Nazrin. LOLIMOUSE. Remember her for later. Stage 2 boss is Kogasa Tatara. Remember her for later too. Stage 3 boss is Ichirin Kumoi and her Familiar, Unzan. They are important too. Stage 4 boss is Captian Murasa. Ghost Ship Captian. . Stage 5 miniboss is Nazrin. WITH A FEW NEW SPELLS. The boss is Shou Toramaru. She ends up using the thing Nazrin was using earlier. ONLY BETTER. Stage 6 time! Nue shows up last second and helps you out with a FINAL POWER UP after trying to kill you with danmaku. The boss is Byakuren Hijiri. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE TRUE YOUKAI JEASUS.

On to the EX!

The night sky is filled with dark clouds. Girls are investigating.

The miniboss is Kogasa. BUT SHE HAS NO RELEVANCY, she just randomly shows up and tries to scare you. With danmaku. PWN her and keep moving. Eventually you encounter Nue Houjuu. One really hard boss fight reminiscent of Flandre later... PWNT.


- Makkai - One could compare it to hell. Byakuren was chained up here for quite some time. Then Reimu/Marisa/Sanae shows up, and one epic fight scene later they leave happy.
- Sanae - Sanae is a Good Girl spawned from her option choices. "Just as Lady Kanako/Suwako says". .A.
- Power and bombs are separated again
- Power/lives/bombs are shit-hard to get.

Touhou 12.3 - Hisoutensoku (Unthinkable Natural Law) (UNL)

Add-on to SWR. Nothing truly relevant other than a giant catfish is in this game.

- Adds the characters from SWR if you change the config file in the folder so it shows the route to the SWR folder instead of the route to the UNL one.
- Without SWR, you only have Cirno, Sanae, Hong Meiling, Suwako, and Okuu.
- Meiling's ultimate Rival is a giant Catfish? WTF?!

Touhou 12.5 - Double Spoiler (DS)

Another STB type game. Not sure if this one's based off one of the fact books... The PCs are Aya, and a new character, Hatate Himekaidou. Hatate is un-lockable via clearing enough levels as Aya to unlock the spoiler levels. Beat those and you get Hatate. BUT GUESS WHAT YOU'RE NOT EVEN HALF DONE. Cause you can fight Aya as Hatate after you clear enough to get HER spoiler levels.

The EX is practically normal gameplay.


- STB sequel.
- Plays better than STB

Touhou 12.8 - Great Fairy Wars (GFW)

Cirno is raging because Sunny Milk, Luna Child, and Star Sapphire broke her house. Oh, and the bullet density in this game is just plain evil. And it plays like a STB-PoFV-Normal hybrid. More on that in the notes. Anyway, after pummeling the three fairies individually, the fairies decide to gang up on Cirno. Needless to say that's the last boss and it's hard even on easy. X.x

On to the EX!

Cirno's ego got huge and she's gonna go challenge a youkai. She ends up finding Marisa. Cue epic fight. WITH FLASHLIGHT LASERS THAT STEAL YOUR LIVES REALLY FAST WITHOUT KILLING YOU!


- Game sequel to the Strange and Bright Nature Diety manga.
- This game is extremely short, but VERY masochistic.
- Since the bullet density is an issue, you can freeze almost every bullet thrown at you. That mechanic works like the camera in STB/DS
- Cirno's firing mechanics work like PoFV's firing mechanics. This includes the charging of the frost barrier.
- The live counter is a percentage meter. every 100% reprisents 1 life.
- The power level is also in percents. You gain power by freezing bullets. The catch? The more of the screen you cover, the more power you get, the less you cover, the less you get.

And that's a wrap. I'll work on writing a glossary when I can.
WIP Glossary:

- Spell Card System - Developed by Reimu Hakurei just before the Scarlet Mist incident. The rules are as such:
- It shall be easy for Youkai to start incidents
- Likewise, it shall be easy for Humans to resolve said incidents
- Duels shall be held with Danmaku
- You may NOT kill your opponent. (This rule is there because you are not allowed to kill the "Hakurei no Miko" (In this case, Reimu).)

- Hakurei Border - The boundary between Gensokyo and the "Real" world.
- Reimu - The Main character. A Miko.

Last edited by Rikarikun on Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:23 pm

oh dear, I am not quite sure what this is, but u have piqued my interest greatly. I am busy this weekend, but I'll look it over when i can, and deffinitely gonna ask what this is about when I'm awake <3
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:26 pm

well, at least you didn't TL;DR it. Very Happy
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:29 pm

Rikarikun wrote:
well, at least you didn't TL;DR it. Very Happy

i knew you would post a topic about Touhou eventually rika... Smile
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:30 pm

Kaiby wrote:
Rikarikun wrote:
well, at least you didn't TL;DR it. Very Happy

i knew you would post a topic about Touhou eventually rika... Smile
this was on the old forum. you know this. Very Happy
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Location : Meh, go ask rika

Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:34 pm

TL;DR;already know 90% of this
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PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:34 pm

i have no clue what TL;DR means but im glad i didnt do it XD
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:37 pm

Minagi wrote:
i have no clue what TL;DR means but im glad i didnt do it XD
Too Long; Didnt Read
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:43 pm

oh nonononono, im reading it XD no way ima pass this up ("otaku" in the making, tho as someone of cultural interest i dont like the term itself)
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:45 pm

Touhou is one of the things I obsess over. if I'm not playing mabi, at school, or playing something else, I'm usually playing touhou.
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PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:46 pm

sounds awesome, i like u already XD
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:47 pm

the feeling is mutual. Very Happy
Touhoumon Emerald = win. even if incomplete.
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:57 pm

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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 11:58 pm

oh dear, its like moemon but with touhou D:

(.......lol ryu)
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 12:00 am

Ryu wrote:
I swear I'm going to stab you in your sleep one of these days.
(or I'll have muja do it for me.)

And yes. It is like moemon. only more broken and hella fun.
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 12:02 am

Very Happy *demi-gods*
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 12:03 am

lol, i wanna play now ><;

<-------- as u can see i do liek my pokemonz ><;
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 12:04 am

Im stuck in soulsilver on the elitefour... I cant kill the dragons..... I love dragons.... I don't wanna hurt them ;-;
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 12:04 am

Minagi wrote:
lol, i wanna play now ><;

<-------- as u can see i do liek my pokemonz ><;

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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 12:05 am

im playing heartgold...woulda been into kanto a looonnnngggg time ago if i hadnt derailed myself to breed and learn EV training......STILL need to train my gyarados b4 i can allow myself to move on....i stopped storyline just B4 vitcory road
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 12:06 am

Kaiby wrote:
Minagi wrote:
lol, i wanna play now ><;

<-------- as u can see i do liek my pokemonz ><;

current team is Larvitar, Cyndaquil, Umbreon, Togetic, Pikachu, and Gyarados
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 12:07 am

Minagi wrote:
Kaiby wrote:
Minagi wrote:
lol, i wanna play now ><;

<-------- as u can see i do liek my pokemonz ><;

current team is Larvitar, Cyndaquil, Umbreon, Togetic, Pikachu, and Gyarados

i was gonna continue this conversation, but we should make a separate topic for pokemon >.<
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 12:07 am

my team is a mystery so you don't know what to expect. Very Happy
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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 1:06 pm

didnt expect to see a Touhou thread here. Its great to know I'm not the only who likes touhou around here.
I have all the games except for the PC-98 ones. I'm better at the fightings games than the shootings ones though.
I also played touhoumon and have a good team but I got stuck on Blain and his lvl 67(?) Utsuho.
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PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 2:06 pm

I have every touhou official game and then some. o3o
also, got get scarlet emerald.

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Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.)   Oblitgatory Touhou topic. (WARNING PAGE STRECH. BUT PLEASE READ IT.) Icon_minitime

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