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 Can you stand 3:00 of Patrick saying "Its called the Ugly Barnacle?"????????????????

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Posts : 210
Join date : 2011-02-09
Age : 35
Location : playing megaman Zero and having fun with Fairy Leviathan wink-wink

Can you stand 3:00 of Patrick saying "Its called the Ugly Barnacle?"???????????????? Empty
PostSubject: Can you stand 3:00 of Patrick saying "Its called the Ugly Barnacle?"????????????????   Can you stand 3:00 of Patrick saying "Its called the Ugly Barnacle?"???????????????? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 6:16 pm

Can you stand 3:00 of Patrick saying "Its called the Ugly Barnacle?"????????????????
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Can you stand 3:00 of Patrick saying "Its called the Ugly Barnacle?"????????????????
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