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 Finished watching H.O.T.D

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Location : Minot, ND

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PostSubject: Finished watching H.O.T.D   Finished watching H.O.T.D Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2012 9:02 pm

Finished watching season 1 of High school of the dead. Same basic outline of all the zombie movies, people turn into zombies when bitten, and a group trying to survive. One major flaw in the series is the inconstancy of the zombies, the students are able to get out of the school because they find zombies are blind and are attracted by sound. Unfortunately the only time they are blind, are when they have to be. They will jump and attack as if they could see. The characters personality sometimes changes too suddenly and too many times, the fat guy goes from wimp, to gun maniac to wimp again in a few mins, and the nurse who drives a car, but is totally confused by a bus.

That aside, this anime dose quite well after the first 3 episodes. The group has 2 guys and 4 girls with a good bit of fan service (a few times I wondered what this anime would be like as a hentai lol).

English Dub is done pretty well, but easy to tell it was changed to fit US audience, and this made me realize I prefer Japanese swearing over English. I will have to listen to it in Japanese at some point.

There is quite a bit of swearing, and actually 1 episode where the 4 girls play in the bathroom and you see some chests.

After 3 episodes I nearly stopped watching, but at the end, I was wanting to see more. The main guy had a little romance with 2 of the girls, but it is left hanging on which one would get him.
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PostSubject: Re: Finished watching H.O.T.D   Finished watching H.O.T.D Icon_minitimeSun Feb 05, 2012 2:47 pm

Hiya Peachx,

What rating would you give this one?

My daughters watched and really liked Inuyasha and have watched all those episodes and have been looking for something else.
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PostSubject: Re: Finished watching H.O.T.D   Finished watching H.O.T.D Icon_minitimeSun Feb 05, 2012 3:15 pm

Some episodes have a bit of swearing in the English dubbed version and one with a bit of nudity and the rest is "fan service", episode 6 could be seen as R rating, all other episodes PG-13.

Ignoring a few things, 8 out of 10. Good enough to make me want to watch the second season which is not out yet.

List a few anime she likes and I can make a short list that she might like also.
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PostSubject: Re: Finished watching H.O.T.D   Finished watching H.O.T.D Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 3:27 pm

Spoiler: The ova is pure fanservice.
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Age : 54
Location : Chicago, IL, USA

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PostSubject: Re: Finished watching H.O.T.D   Finished watching H.O.T.D Icon_minitimeFri Feb 17, 2012 10:13 am

Well, like i said they watch:

Inuyasha (they watched this on Youtube)
Avatar: The last Airbender

Those are from what I know, the older ones(13 and 12) are always looking for other stuff on the net to watch.
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PostSubject: Re: Finished watching H.O.T.D   Finished watching H.O.T.D Icon_minitime

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