(She will 'eventually' fix this problem of how "Glitchy" or "Jumpy" it is)
Deaf History Month was last month, I wasn't able to inform you guys at the tiem though. Hush Day(A Day where I has to put earplug in my ears all day and not talk at all) was really fun though Plus I got an A on it xD
Feel free to find more songs if you want GLossed and signed in ASL (Gloss - set in a way of words used for signing an example is : ME LIVE CHICAGO [SS] [FS]SHE+L-I-S-A LIVE NEW-YORK and your translation is : I live in Chicago, that's Lisa, she lives in New York.)
Posts : 1210 Join date : 2010-07-09 Age : 33 Location : Seattle, WA
When delivering a speech of any kind, it is important to keep your tone steady, keep any distracting movements to a minimum, and keep emotions to a minimum as well.