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 New Applicant: Zekashi

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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 9:46 pm

•IGN: Zekashi

•Your real age(optional, but preferred): 16

•How long have you played? 5 months in my previous acc. but got hacked...quitted for about 5 months sooo: 6months in total

•How active you are in game? I PLay on Weekends and whenever there's no school Smile

•Typical playing hours(please include time zone): Pacific Time: Usually Night 8-10pm and afternoon 3-5pm

•Transformation: Sorry don't know what that is... Shocked

•Total level: 120

•Which of the main generation storylines have you completed? 1st Generation

•How did you hear about Epilogue? I didn't "hear" about it but I saw one of the members and I liked the name Epilogue Very Happy

•List all previous guilds, please include why you left, and why you are currently seeking another guild: CEREALKiller (Disbanded) and Whoa (To much drama)

•Why join Epilogue? Well its kind of a nerdy reason but I enjoy reading and I kinda find the name "Epilogue" interesting! And books usually have epilogues if not prologues! Surprised

•List all members you may know in game: Uhm none other then Minagi (if that counts)

•How would you describe your character? No category =/ and I rarely go out of Tir Chonail, Dunabrton or Emain... I usually do dungeons and part time jobs

•What else should we know about you? FOr me its kind of tough making friends (Need help in this department) but im socialble when im comfortable. Im 9/10 nice and helpful Very Happy

lol! study study study
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 10:08 pm

seem like a pretty nice person
what are your current goals and how do you plan on acheiving them?
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 10:17 pm

hmm. sounds intresting.
so I'm bugging you about getting me some uber expensive items...
what do you do?
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Location : Meh, go ask rika

New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 11:17 pm

*slaps rika* You ignore him and remind him that there are better sources to get stuff from. Or just bother me to yell at him, if I'm online. >.>
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 11:21 pm

Kyoneshi wrote:
*slaps rika* You ignore him and remind him that there are better sources to get stuff from. Or just bother me to yell at him, if I'm online. >.>
I still need ar 3=10
and you need fb 9+10.
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Location : Meh, go ask rika

New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 11:28 pm

Shaddup, you don't ask new people for stuff, rika! It's just impolite! D:<
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 11:31 pm

Kyoneshi wrote:
Shaddup, you don't ask new people for stuff, rika! It's just impolite! D:<
SPELLCARD: Boundary of Sound and Motion.
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2010 1:37 am

Rika, Kyo lets keep the application about the applicant, and not argue too much on the side. (kyo is right tho, dont bug newer players for thins u urself cant get)

@ Zekashi: i'd like to know what your previous igns were (just as a basis to see if we can recognize u by anything)

i'd also like to know why you didn't come up to me personally in asking about the guild. if i was busy (which im usually not) i do still pay attention to the log and would've replied. A random mail however is a bit awkward. I DO have friends (and a bf) who always threaten to infiltrate this guild, so in being the only name you know, AND not being confronted directly does make me a bit suspicious about the possibility of you being an alt chara. any thoughts on this?
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2010 7:29 am

Interesting reason for wanting to join.

Lets see....
1. What's your charater? Human, elf, or giant?
2. If you find a cat stuck in a tree, what would you do?
3. Which would you go to? Normal peaca, the peaca behind that mountain of candy or the peaca in the middle of that flower field? Very Happy
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2010 8:08 am

silentwings wrote:
Interesting reason for wanting to join.

Lets see....
1. What's your charater? Human, elf, or giant?
2. If you find a cat stuck in a tree, what would you do?
3. Which would you go to? Normal peaca, the peaca behind that mountain of candy or the peaca in the middle of that flower field? Very Happy
lol@the 3rd one.
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Answer to all the current questions =D   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2010 10:08 pm

@ Gabet Hmm... my current goal? Been told to get r1 windmill by some other people constantly and i understand why but I also want to rank up healing just to be helpful. I also had an interest in cooking but never got a chance to fully explore it much but my current goal would be r1 windmill then healing (r5)? and then cooking. I guess doing dungeons, quests and killing monsters would be the only way. Aside from the all the combat I would also like to make good friends as one of my goals! So im guessing joining a guild would be one of the steps! (you all seem nice btw) Smile

@ Rikarikun LOL! Sorry but i wouldnt be able to help you very much cause im really on the poor side right now Rolling Eyes

@ Minagi My previous ign is Hezatsu (got hacked) and other then that one and this current one, I dont have any other igns. and LOL as to why I mailed you instead of direct contact on mabi is because I was actually asking you about the guild and req. at the clothing shop in Dunbarton but you didnt reply (afk or busy maybe?) so i went out to send a mail but then i saw you running out and disappearing (tried to follow but to late) Shocked Luckly I saw your ign and sent mail instead Very Happy Now that i think about it i could have just whispered to you right? LOL Srry for being awkward lol!

@ slientwings 1) human 2) I wouldnt try to be a hero and try to get the cat for i may get stuck up there as well Lol.... Instead just asking someone else is the best thing for me to do or call 911? (doubt they come and rescue a cat in a tree.... tongue 3) Never done Peaca (heard that its really the hardest dungeon?) but peaca behind a mountain of candy is temtping lol!
LOL that was a lot, if there are any other ques. jus ask Smile Ill Try to reply ASAP
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2010 10:32 pm

I do really admire that answer, the way it was put, Zeka.
can I call you that?
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2010 10:40 pm

thx, yeah you can call me that Very Happy
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2010 11:47 pm

i liked your answers. Have you looking into the forum and such?
there's an introduction, and plenty of threads in the "anything under the sun" thread.

since u applied just from our name alone, i'd like you to read the intro, and browse the threads to see what this guild is about and what the people here are like.
u can tell a lot about someone just by observing how they interact with others, so browsing will give you an idea as to who we are.

If you are still interested in joining after reading it all, I'd like you to explain
1) what you find interesting
2)your opinions on what the guild stands for
3) why apply to us rather than one of the many other guilds in the server
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 12:10 am

Zekashi wrote:
•IGN: Zekashi
•How long have you played? 5 months in my previous acc. but got hacked...quitted for about 5 months sooo: 6months in total

•How active you are in game? I PLay on Weekends and whenever there's no school Smile

•Typical playing hours(please include time zone): Pacific Time: Usually Night 8-10pm and afternoon 3-5pm

•Transformation: Sorry don't know what that is... Shocked

•Total level: 120

•How would you describe your character? No category =/ and I rarely go out of Tir Chonail, Dunabrton or Emain... I usually do dungeons and part time jobs

Dibs on breaking him in.
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 12:15 am

@Minagi By just browsing in the forums I think i'll enjoy this guild very much. (Seeing how friendly and comfortable you guys are with each other) So Yes I am still interested in this guild otherwise I wouldnt be typing atm. lol!

As to your questions: 1) What I find interesting about the guild is the people in it, without people in the guild then the guild would lose its purpose of being a guild (hope you understand) I like how all of you interact with each other and the silly remarks you guys make ie. peaca dungeon and such Smile and of course the name of the guild really interests me as I am a reading fanatic. 2) I think I explained this question a little in the previous one, the most important thing in a guild which makes a guild is the people in my opinion. A book without creative words wouldn't be a book at all or put it simply an ice cream without the ice cream but just the cone Sad Guilds should build strong connections with its members (as I am seeing here) they help each other and to some extent rely on each other in some way. 3) For this last question I'll answer honestly... I happened to be quite lonely without a guild and was looking into some that I can join but there were many req. and I was not up to the standards. I happen to see Epilogue and the name struck me and thats when i mailed you and you gave me this site. But now that I have looked into your intro I have the urge to join. The guild as described in the intro is mature,silly,fun and helpful. <---All the qualities a guild should have. Also, I like how this guild is not based on certain req. from the game but more of the qualities of the player. With this I am really impressed by this guild and hoping to join
Very Happy
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 12:16 am

Ryu wrote:
Zekashi wrote:
•IGN: Zekashi
•How long have you played? 5 months in my previous acc. but got hacked...quitted for about 5 months sooo: 6months in total

•How active you are in game? I PLay on Weekends and whenever there's no school Smile

•Typical playing hours(please include time zone): Pacific Time: Usually Night 8-10pm and afternoon 3-5pm

•Transformation: Sorry don't know what that is... Shocked

•Total level: 120

•How would you describe your character? No category =/ and I rarely go out of Tir Chonail, Dunabrton or Emain... I usually do dungeons and part time jobs

Dibs on breaking him in.
u dont get to hog him all to urself >:/
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 12:18 am

lol the more the better right? Smile
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 12:33 am

hay, i want a second chance.... my first attempt at making a mini me, was rika. Sadly i can't break him of his music playing >.<.

He is getting powerful tho, and in which im proud

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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 8:10 am

Ryu wrote:
hay, i want a second chance.... my first attempt at making a mini me, was rika. Sadly i can't break him of his music playing >.<.

He is getting powerful tho, and in which im proud

I thank you for that second part, but I am now in rage mode.
*Stabs ryu in the hip*
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 2:16 pm

if anyone is gonna break him in.....its this guy!
lmao jk =D
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 4:04 pm

Gabet wrote:
if anyone is gonna break him in.....its this guy!
lmao jk =D
you're next. >.>
that's if you had been serious.
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 4:20 pm

of course i was kidding =D
i dont wanna get stabbed D=
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 4:39 pm

Gabet wrote:
of course i was kidding =D
i dont wanna get stabbed D=
good. o3o
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 5:01 pm

again, keep the app about the app ><;
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New Applicant: Zekashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Applicant: Zekashi   New Applicant: Zekashi Icon_minitime

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