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 Sukeisu's Application

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Sukeisu's Application - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sukeisu's Application   Sukeisu's Application - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2011 5:40 pm

I guess i wont be joining Epilogue because A certain someone doesnt care how i feel when im made fun by their friend. Character closeness like up on each other is a peeve of mine and when i asked the certain someone in this guild to move, i was ignored and had to ask an additional 9 times before getting a response. Then when asking their friend to stop i was being made fun of by this certain someone's friend. Obviously my feelings dont matter to this person that i have been trying to help get a certain item. I have stopped my training just to help this person and obviously it doesnt matter to them that what i could be doing has been put on hault just so i can help them. BTW this person is also putting something that they cant have in the way to cloud their judgement of allowing me to join in the guild.
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Sukeisu's Application - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sukeisu's Application   Sukeisu's Application - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2011 6:04 pm

certain someones, oh my~

soooooooo, I didn't think to screenshot the whole thing, and therefore obviously missed the initial insults, orders, and overall rudeness directed both at me and my "friend" today. A peeve is a peeve, and that's understandable, but that doesn't give someone the right to throw a fit if people don't tiptoe around that little quirk. His insults, roleplaying threats, and fits attracted the attention of multiple people, and my friend merely brushed it off, and tried not to get irritated over it. most of his attitude was then left to me in pm chats, forcing me to be the middle man. I've been nothing but polite to this player the past few days, and have found this hissy fit completely uncalled for.


I'd like to ask that those of you who know samuii keep quiet about it here, to avoid more issues and fits.

I don't know about everyone else, but I've long since gotten tired of the clingy, posessive, rude, nosey, naggy attitudes of people in game. I rarely talk to ev and honto, as you all know, and have stopped talking to other people with this overall attitude as well. I do not think that this sort of reaction or behaviour is good for epilogue overall, and don't wish for people like this in the guild. I'm well aware that I'm coming off as rude, stingy, sneaky, and paranoid, but I'l like you to keep this in mind.
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Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 33

Sukeisu's Application - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sukeisu's Application   Sukeisu's Application - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2011 7:02 pm

Agreed with mina.. This attitude is unacceptable in the guild. Rika's trolling can be annoying, but it can quickly be reasoned with. Can you say the same about wanting to slit his throat and other threatening remarks? Least Rika has good intentions at heart. This applicant does not. His love interest with mina and his 'past' sounds all like pure drama to me. I've lead a guild to know personally that this drama needs to stay out.
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Location : playing megaman Zero and having fun with Fairy Leviathan wink-wink

Sukeisu's Application - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sukeisu's Application   Sukeisu's Application - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2011 7:02 pm

Minagi wrote:
certain someones, oh my~

soooooooo, I didn't think to screenshot the whole thing, and therefore obviously missed the initial insults, orders, and overall rudeness directed both at me and my "friend" today. A peeve is a peeve, and that's understandable, but that doesn't give someone the right to throw a fit if people don't tiptoe around that little quirk. His insults, roleplaying threats, and fits attracted the attention of multiple people, and my friend merely brushed it off, and tried not to get irritated over it. most of his attitude was then left to me in pm chats, forcing me to be the middle man. I've been nothing but polite to this player the past few days, and have found this hissy fit completely uncalled for.


I'd like to ask that those of you who know samuii keep quiet about it here, to avoid more issues and fits.

I don't know about everyone else, but I've long since gotten tired of the clingy, posessive, rude, nosey, naggy attitudes of people in game. I rarely talk to ev and honto, as you all know, and have stopped talking to other people with this overall attitude as well. I do not think that this sort of reaction or behaviour is good for epilogue overall, and don't wish for people like this in the guild. I'm well aware that I'm coming off as rude, stingy, sneaky, and paranoid, but I'l like you to keep this in mind.

no i agree with you he should not go off like that and cause problem for you and your friend i mean problem happen meaning to cause them is a diff story so i am with you minagi he just lose my vote and anyone else reading this well i got to say he may be disable but it give him no right to act the way he did i jurge ppl by actions not looks
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Posts : 274
Join date : 2010-07-13
Age : 54
Location : Chicago, IL, USA

Sukeisu's Application - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sukeisu's Application   Sukeisu's Application - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2011 7:03 pm

Application Denied!

Failure to live up to guild standards during interview process.

"Honesty, etiquette, integrity, trustworthy, loyalty, and helpfulness are key components to making ones self grow in the guild and should cary over into ones life as well."

Obviosly threatening people so violently over there freedom to play game does not uphold the representaion of the guild.
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PostSubject: Re: Sukeisu's Application   Sukeisu's Application - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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