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 Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!)

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Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!)   Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 6:08 am

rank 3 heal i belive, party too...got to get into makin better bands, i not much in the weavin dept to get the fabric, only common cause whims needs anything better than that.

we all need to spam duns for fb 10.. we need a poop load of them, and i can work party some more
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Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!)   Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 3:15 pm

Laughing Laughing Thank you Guys. Yes, I'm really honest on this app.
- Most? Hmm. I dunno, someoen can put down more than I can.
- My arts? I'll give oyu my Deviant art and Art Freebie Shop Link (Rika found it though xD )

I'll try to be active hwere as I can X_X
I didn't plan on being brief. And HOLYSHEET! That's alot!

>:V anyone care to tell me how to put up an icon avvie here?
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Age : 30

Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!)   Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 3:26 pm

Minagi wrote:
I have to agree with the others, this is deffinitely a great application. While many of us are morbid and curious about your pics, i think i'm gonna pass. I've lived with deaf/semi-deaf people, andh ave seen plenty of that, so it's nothing new to me. I am a bit interested as to why you put "Fey" after Eali tho Smile

and u can own my closet if u want, but i don't think there's any room for you to live in there <.<;

"Fey" is actually "Fairy" I dunno why I picked it, but it sounded catchy = w= if you want the whole name I'll put it down:

Ealinda Rosario Feyanne

I will tell you: Don't name oyur kidsl ike this, don't let them end up like Twitards either.
Ealinda is a mixof Eali and Linda, or EA(Games) Linda

As for oyur closet sir... i have a portal that comes from my closet and it opens up to whoever's closet I choose... So there's kidna some room for me to push some of whatever is in oyur closet, out.

And Yes Ryu, You can't have oyur clothes until I leave..but oyu have to buy them when I visit... = w=

and at night, Ryu I'mma scare oyu with this:
I peep into your room... when you sleep... = w= but you lock me in ... -sad-

And I don't come in when you're awake guys, I coem when you sleep, so.. yeah... =w= be afraid there. geek

To answer your questino about my age, I'm sorry but uif I tell you all, I believe some fans will storm to my house, whence Imay have to move into Ryu's Closet until things settle down.
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Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!)   Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 3:29 pm

Whimsey wrote:
Jeweldragona wrote:
If you truely owned my closet would you:

A: Push everything aside and use what room is there

B: Throw out everything until nothing is left and use all the space for yourself

C: Randomly pick through everything throwing out anything you don't need keeping what you didn't throw away for yourself

D: Open the door, scream, and run away afraid for what you found

E: Other, please leave an explanation

E.) other....get rid of all your stuff and make as much room as possible for mine...because contrary to popular opinion...i am actually quite organized..and if i had more space...i could clean up that freggin closet!! so U need to downsize...JD is an einstine...he wears the same 8 outfits over and over and over and over again...he dose not need half a walk in closet...I on the other hand am diverse in my styles, and i wear a different combination outfit every day of the year....I NEED CLOSET SPACE

E.) All of the above just so Eali can pop in like a ninja, steal your organs, and maybe your closet's virginity.
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Age : 30

Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!)   Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 3:33 pm

Whimsey wrote:
Why NOT...common in ryu...theres plenty of soft things to snuggle on and keep warm Smile i have alovely collection of sweaters in case u get cold...please PLEASE RESPECT the CASHMIER..i hope u like blue (gives ryu a cookie too...and mina another)

Nope, Ryu only snuggles with me.... Because I'm kawaii to him without a doubt...

And yet my friends play with my fuzzy hair (when it was short) :U
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Age : 30

Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!)   Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 4:11 pm

honeywhip wrote:
hello hello.. crude person in the room tongue who was that tryin to sleep in my kids bed?...watch out for the cat.

afore all u guys move into that closet.. like livin next to airport..
3! love em, but 3! What a Face lovely, rambunkish little girls.. and a LARGE, loving, long nailed dog, (who thinks shes a lap dog) and an uppity cat.. as if jd alone wasnt a deterrant, not to mention the crabby coffee whore....

sorry, im their grandma, but not enough cookies in the world! altho, i love to visit! santa

im good for this new member, but if she turns out to be a swearin 8 year old.. there's gonna be trouble! Rolling Eyes Suspect ( i swear like a sailor, and not so good at not doin in front of kids) Laughing

P.S... hey mina! i learned how to work these lil facey thingys! geek

oh, im 54, look 64 and act 14 AND 84.. i fall into soooo many catagories..
and crabby and coffee arnt linked in my life affraid i do em both seperate and joined
but i kick butt AND i can heal! clown
Swearing 8-yearold?
I'm not that sweary. I don't say f-word every second though.
I'm only sweary at my own mother when I have PMS
Letting oyu know there.

Your post made me giggle slightly = w=
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Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!)   Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 21, 2010 6:04 pm

Voting Results: Application Accepted
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Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!)   Eali Fey, the one that owns your Closet... (Kidding!) - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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