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 There she is! Aishlyn Application

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PostSubject: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 7:47 pm

Aishlyn (Hume), Wyntaer (Elf)

Your real age:

How long have you played?
I started Mabinogi the same time as Ryu.

How active are you in game?
Depends on my schedule, but I should be relatively free.

Typical playing hours(please include time zone):
Same as above.
PST (California)

None as of date.

Total level:
Below 60 as of date. Above 60, below 70.

Which of the main generation storylines have you completed?
None as of date. On: G2 (2/16) & G9 (6/19)

How did you hear about Epilogue?
Ryu told me about the merge.

List all previous guilds, please include why you left, and why you are currently seeking another guild:
(Insert Name Here), the guild went inactive and I can't remember the name of the guild to save my life.
Armsmaster, to merge with Epilogue.

Why join Epilogue?
I wish to be with some of my old friends from Armsmaster & to make new ones.

List all members you may know in game:
Ryu, Kaiby, Rika & Kyo are the ones I remember from Armsmaster along with some other people, but I'm not even going to try to spell out their name. I'll get murdered in my sleep from buchering up their names. The people I know from year+ ago are no longer in contact, nor do I remember any names from the top of my head.

How would you describe your character?
Aishlyn is going to be a super novice until she gets her Paladin transformation and a decent AP count to just pump in massive skill training later. Currently all of her skills are ranked F with the occasional ranked E, around 3 skills are thus. Aishlyn is hard headed and doesn't know when to give up even if a monster pwns her over in one hit. She will just stand right back up to kill the thing for the quest completion even if it costs a hell of experience point lost. She thinks walking long distances is a pain.

Wyntaer is newly born and I have no clue what to do with her as of date. Perhaps, magicial bard.

Myself. My name is Ailyse pronounced Alice, you may also spell it Alice if you like. Ask and I'll answer.

What else should we know about you?
I like to draw, design, write, read books & manga & manhwa, listen to & play music, watch anime & korean dramas, play video games, eat, drink water & tea, sleep, shop, and travel.

Last edited by Aishlyn on Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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There she is! Aishlyn Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 8:07 pm

did u start a new character? is that why your total level is below 60? do u have any of the generation qusts in progress/started ? how do u intend to develope this character?

from what u have read on the forum so far, what do you like/dislike about what u see ?

having played as long as ryu, u must be pretty familiar with the game in general...what do u like about it?

if u were stranded alone on an island with not but the clothes on your back n the shoes on your feet, would u

a.) find a way to make a smoke signal

b.) survive on whatever the island could provide and wait for someone to discover u

c.) build a raft and float away and hope that u bump into someone before the sharks get u

d.) rejoice because you no longer have to deal with the surpifical trivial world

e.) other ...explaine

(like all my lil questions ...anyone can answer this)
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 8:35 pm

I lost more than one information for my old account in which I was Total Level above 300 on my main. Therefore, I had to start over on a new account.
I'm on the second step for G2(finished 1 run of Barri) and G9.
I'm intending to try to R5~1 Windmill first because Ryu said that is a good skill to train first because it would be harder with higher CP and that it's just sheer pwnage. After that I am going to work on my smash, counter, range, heal, bolts above the letter ranks. After that, I'll think about it.

I see that Rika is overtaking the forum and that amuses me. Everyone seems to be nice as far as I can tell from everyone's posts.

I like how Mabinogi you don't have a set class skill tree you have to follow. You can be any class, any mixture of class you wish to be. I love it how the dungeons are private, instances dungeons, and that you don't have to race other people to kill the boss. I know there's some bosses that are on the fields that are free for all? Like those dragon ones, epic. I find it sad that Nao doesn't revive you anymore and bless all your items. Hmm. I love it how you can dye things specifically to your liking and that there are tons of things to buy and customize to make it your own.

a.) Yes, I know how to make a fire from rocks/branches, all 5th graders should know. It's mandatory for 6th grade camp (not really, but my school it was). But, I think I'll go and search if this island is deserted first or is civilized.
b.) I find myself relying on others often because they just let me order them around, but I can take care of myself. I can fend and feed myself just fine.
c.) Let's see. Sharks will only get me if they smell blood or if they just happen to open their mouth where I was located.. I'll risk it because many people had risked it before, Vietnamese Boat People. My case would be a little different, but hey I tried and I don't have anything to regret even if the worst case scenario happens.
d.) Yes, I'll go and eat to my heart content and do everything else to my heart content until I have to move on with my life and just be grateful I'm alive.
e.) Nothing. Reason: just because.
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 8:44 pm

great responses....tks Smile
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There she is! Aishlyn Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 8:48 pm

Another great skill to do first is: Animal Training before CP is too high
And after WM, Refine for Dex. Whether you want to be range or not, Dex is still important to be able to have enough balance to weild some of the better upgraded paths for weapons. Too much Dex or Production Mastery will prevent you from achieving Rank 1 Refine in the long run.

Other then that, some really great information and plans.

What was your original main characters name?
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There she is! Aishlyn Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 8:52 pm

from what I've heard, dex affects your damage in mele as well.....the more you have, the better your chances of hitting your "max" attack is....if you have a poor dex, most likely you'll be hitting closer to your "min" attack....but that is only what i've heard from others, i haven't tested it myself Smile
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 8:54 pm

Dex determines your balance... Balance determines where you hit in your dmg range.

20% Balance + "10-20 dmg" = ~12 dmg each hit.....
50% Balance + "10-20 dmg" = ~15 dmg each hit....
80% Balance + "10-20 dmg" = ~ 18 dmg each hit......

after the other annoying factors of course.
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 8:55 pm

ooh, ty ryu that helps :3
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There she is! Aishlyn Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 8:59 pm

scratch hmmmm.....

I think I hear an echo

What a Face

Didn't i say " Whether you want to be range or not, Dex is still important to be able to have enough balance to weild some of the better upgraded paths for weapons."

***Points at balance in the above statement****

Last edited by Jeweldragona on Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 8:59 pm

if you guys have a guide section or something in your forums, im spewing my knowledge there.
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 9:01 pm

Ryu wrote:
if you guys have a guide section or something in your forums, im spewing my knowledge there.
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 9:01 pm

i actually dont believe we do, but making one shouldn't be too hard. It's deffinitely something to look into, but lets convo elsewhere instead of derailing apps (not blaming, im deff at fault too) ><;
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 9:04 pm

Fine fine rika, you can have it (GET ON MABI NOW) :p
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There she is! Aishlyn Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 9:04 pm

My original character's name is Ailyse.
And thank you for the tips and I'm already planning on getting high dex for archery and making things.. like clothes.
I don't really understand the skill animal training, it never made any sense to me, but I'll check it out.

and a guide section would be lovely<3 for all the things I missed since the elfs and giants came out.. which was EONS ago o-o!
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 9:07 pm

Sadly, I wrote and entire guide for "PENTAGON" on what to rank and what affects skills. I even included a section on what skills to rank based on raising ones stats as well. This guide however went no where and fell on deaf ears, and no one has asked for anything since so I have for the most part kept this to myself. Perhaps I can resurect it if enough folks are interested.
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 9:09 pm

it depends who you bring into the guild? I mean, experinced players will know what you're talking about and won't care. but I've had a few people that learned from my topics because Armsmasters took in newbies.
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 9:10 pm

Aishlyn wrote:
My original character's name is Ailyse.
And thank you for the tips and I'm already planning on getting high dex for archery and making things.. like clothes.
I don't really understand the skill animal training, it never made any sense to me, but I'll check it out.

and a guide section would be lovely<3 for all the things I missed since the elfs and giants came out.. which was EONS ago o-o!

the purpose for animal taming would be:
1) g7
2) keeping alligator from running away
(3- im sure there's other field bosses and such that need to be tamed at certain pts too)
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeTue Oct 12, 2010 9:32 pm

What else should we know about you?
I like to draw, design, write, read books & manga & manhwa, listen to & play music, watch anime & korean dramas, play video games, eat, drink water & tea, sleep, shop, and travel.

dam im old.. the books r manga and manhwa? nvm.. im still dumb on pokeman.. rabbit

did ryu bring a harem? lots of fems around him..lol (females, not anything else implied)

we all cool on lows mixin in, lvls not as important as cohesive group. im workin like 40 chtrs.. alllll lvls and skills
so will always be someone around at ur lvl.

ive found that groupin by play style works well

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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 12:14 am

yes honey...manga and manhwa are japanese and korean comic books. they're thick like books tho, not like american comics that are about 15 pgs per issue :3
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 11:26 am

hmm.. i have a bunch of extra taming bait that you could use if you want? oh and a taming cane too, just let me know if you want them
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PostSubject: Re: There she is! Aishlyn Application   There she is! Aishlyn Application Icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 8:03 pm

Voting Results: Application Accepted
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