Well If he reposts what he ment, I'll be glad to answer him, just don't want to answer something that he isn't actually asking.
Hm... there's alot I like about mabi. First off the fact that it doest run like a typical mmo. Usually you level up, and then it becomes harded to level as you go, and virtually impossible near the level cap. However mabi is not like that at all because of the rebirth system. Another feathure is the clothing and armor system, which usually in an mmo, slowly gets better, but it pretty much doesn't realt matter in mabi and it's all prefrence. I also enjoy the social aspect of mabi, the mabi comunity is unique in it'sown way, rarely (but not never) do you see rude or ignorant people on mabi, for the most part, everyone is here to have a good time.